Getting Ready:

•Access to Zoom. Either through the app or your web browser. It is not necessary to create an account if you do not wish to do so.

•Log in a few minutes early to ensure your camera is angled properly and the sound is working. It is not required that you have your video on, however this will allow for me to give feedback if needed or requested.

•Practice safely. Listen to your body’s subtle cues such as breath and sensation to avoid injury. By joining class you are acknowledging you’re healthy enough to participate, and will avoid participating in anything that may cause injury. 

Setup and Props:

•Water or Tea

•Desired lighting (candles or dimmed lights)

•Mat, 1-2 blankets or towels , blocks or (soup cans/sturdy books), bolsters or (pillows/sofa cushions) 

•Music ( I’ve included my Spotify link below with Playlists from previous classes)